Why (or how) do you use the Herbs in your program?
It was our intention to use herbs from the beginning---since we, as a family, have seen some remarkable turnarounds in health issues we had been struggling with.
We believe the Lord has equipped our bodies to counter sicknesses as well as accelerate healing when injured.
We discovered early on that there was a HUGE learning curve when it came to goats, compared to other animals we’ve raised successfully. So, that first year, we treated any sickness or malady with the use of chemicals or pharmaceuticals. We gave ourselves another year to learn about herbal treatments for goats. I would stay up for hours at night reading books I ordered, scoured the internet---blogs, forums, etc researching how to successfully incorporate a natural approach—and just barely scratched the surface. Thankfully, the Lord led us to several different sources whose knowledge and experience was amazing.
Fir Meadow & Land of Havilah are both wonderful to work with & their products are some of the very best on the market. Both Kat & Christy are wonderful & gracious women who are Certified Master Herbalists and happen to raise goats.
I once read: "Herbs work if used frequent enough & strong enough" (author unknown)
We follow the directions (duh) on the package---but if the situation requires more herbs, in more frequent doses---that's what we do.
Since I am not a VET, and we live in a DISCLAIMER society---then you do the research and/or contact the folks you're purchasing from.
From FirMeadowLLC.com
These are our main-stays & all have been successful for us---especially if caught early on.
GISoother---scours---we use for Cocci & Barber Pole
DWorm---for other parasites
MMune---build immunity
Herbiotic (powder or tincture)---our go-to for herbal replacement of antibiotic.
Vitalerb---great product full of everything green
From LandofHavilahfarm.com
Bulk herbs, Parasite Formula (that we add to our minerals), webinars & online courses as well as her Herd-health practices & Holistic Methods.
Helpful books: "The Accessible Pet, Equine, and Livestock Herbal" Kat Drovadahl,
"Holistic Goat Care" Gianaclis Caldwell (Pholia Farm Nigerian Dairy)
In addition, Face Book has some great Groups/Forums, "Totally Natural Goats."