Cedar View Pietro *B “Petey”
DOB: 5/22/19 (Triplet) POLLED Height: 22 1/2”
Taken 7/20
Sire: CH Cedar View Maricano *B VEE90, 3xGCH, 1x Best of Breed at the Six Ring 2018 Missouri Buck Show - finished as a two year old (GCH Cedar View Ceasario +*B VEV89, 3xGCH, 1X BIS x GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1*M VVEE90 3x GCH, 1x BOB, 1x Best Udder, 2nd Best Udder NAILE)
Dam: SG/Elite Cedar View Livia 5*M VEEE90 1x GCH, 1x BOB, 1x Best Udder, 3xElite 97%PE (Little Tots Estate Bambino ++*B x SGCH Cedar View Cassimiracola 4*M VVEE89 3xGCH, 2x BOB, 1st Place Dam & Daughter, 1x Best Udder, 2x 1st Place Dairy Herd)
We are excited to introduce Cedar View Pietro (aka Petey). I’ve been searching for a great buck to breed to our Oliver daughters—-We have reservations on a wonderful possibility in California—-but it didn’t work out for 2019. I love the breeder and am looking forward to 2020 with high hopes. In the meantime, after a TON of research—I (gladly) went back to our very dear friends (Bill & Deb Inman at Cedar View) and picked up this handsome little guy. You may remember, we were in a similar place in 2015 and the Lord led us to the Inmans where we purchased SG Cedar View Olivero +*B+*S. Pietro is not a total outcross—not even close. BUT, if I’m going to line breed—-even a little, its going to be Deb’s lines. I love the pedigree behind this guy. Almost everyone are Finished and either have super udders or have produced daughters with the same.
candid photo taken at 4 months old
Petey’s dam, SG Livia, is an exceptionally beautiful young doe. In her 2019 LA, she scored VEEE90 with strong Dairy & Udder scores (Fore/Height/Width, Teat placement &length). Besides her obvious looks, she also is excellent in Milk Production. True to the Bambino daughters, Livia’s 305 Day Test ranged from 4.0# to 5.7#, never dropping below 4 pounds—-as a 2nd Freshener. Her Butterfat was 93# and Protein 68#—-ranking her in ADGA’s National Top 10. In addition, Livia’s PE is 96% which also ranked her in 2019 ADGA Elite Doe Status.
Livia was 1st place Yearling & 1st place Udder in class at the very competitive and highly acclaimed North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE 2018). She won Senior Grand, Best Of Breed and Best Udder at the Tennessee Valley Fair (9/19)
Livia’s sire is Bambino ++*B —-has who has sired multiple Top 10s, (inclu Breed Leaders), Elite Does, and multiple LA scores of 90+, six of whom have won GCH/SG/SGCH —-In addition they have gone on to produce over a dozen Finished/SG/Elites/Top 10s, etc. Another notable trait about Bambino is his daughters tend to raise their production in the second half of their lactations, rather than leveling off or decreasing.
Livia’s dam line is just as strong—-SGCH Cedar View Cassimiracola placed 9th in the Senior Kid class at the 2014 ADGA National Show, took JrGCH at SMDGA, and Finished the following year, along with 2x Best of Breed & Best Udder, and 1st place Dam & Daughter. She also was part of the Best Dairy Herd in TVA& I Fair, and the AOP at the 2016 NAILE. All as a 2 year old.
Both Livia’s Gdam and GGdam are also finished CHs with multiple Best of Breeds, Best Udders, & high LA scores, and Milking Awards. Cassimiracola’s dam (GCH Little Tots Estate Cassia 3*M EEEE92) had 4GCHs, 3 Best of Breeds, 2x Total Performer. Tragically, Cassia died during a C-Section, losing her quads as well.
Bambino is the sire of SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M EEEE 91, a truly exceptional doe. 3x Grand Champion Senior “All Other Purebred” at NAILE all 3 years that Nigerians could be shown (2016-2018)—-as well as Supreme Udder over all breeds in 2016. She’s been ADGA Elite Doe 5x 2015-2019. She was Breed Leader (#1) In ADGA Top 10 in 2016 (BF) and #2 in Production & Protein (2015)—-ADGA’s Top 10 in multiple categories (2015-2018). In total, Isabella has won 6x GCH, 4x BOB, 4x Best Udder, 1x Supreme Udder, 3x 1st place Dairy Herd, & 3x Get of sire, & 3x 1st place Senior Group of Three. Isabella is Oliver’s dam. So, line breeding on Bambino seems to be the one to do. Bambino’s sire, GCH, PGCH, CH Buffalo Clover Valentino ++*B has sired 14 Finished CH’s and a SG doe (our SG LTE Tiqvah VEEE91). His line bred daughters are stunning. So, I feel like we made a blessed decision. (You can see photos of Isabella and read more about her on Oliver’s page.)
Petey’s sire, Marciano, won his first GCH at the Missouri Buck show in 2017. Finishing as a 2 year old, he took 2x Senior Grand and 1x Best of Breed in the 2018 Missouri Buck Show. Grand Champion Junior Doe at the Sevier Co. Fair, 9/6/13
Marciano’s dam (Paenoia VVEE90) won Jr GCH, Sr GCH (in 2 shows), 1x Best of Breed, and Best Udder at the Ms State Fair. In addition, she was awarded, 2nd Best Udder at NAILE (2017).
Marciano’s sire Ceasario is a 3x GCH and 1x Best in Show. His daughter, Cedar View Bernadetta 5*M won 1x GCH and 1st Place Dam and Daughter. His daughter Cedar View Joleen, won Junior Grand in Tn and again at NAILE (2017) going on to win Supreme Junior doe over all over breeds.
Marciano’s paternal half-sister Cedar View Bernadetta 5*M won her Jr GCH, and was 1st Place Dam & Daughter with her dam (GCH Cassimiracola), but tragically passed away after kidding. Bernadetta and Livia are also maternal half-sister.
Ceasario's 2017 daughter Cedar View Joleen 5*M VEVE89, won Jr GCH as well as Jr GCH & Supreme Junior doe over all over breeds at NAILE 2017.
Note: With the exception of Trillium, all photos are courtesy of Cedar View Farm https://www.cedarviewnigerians.com
Petey’s dam: Cedar View Livia 5*M VEEE 90 (1st row) Livia’s dam: GCH Cedar View Cassimiracola 4*M (2nd row)
Cedar View Livia 5*M VEEE 90, 1x Sr GCH, BOB, & Best Udder (9/19) 1st place Yearling and 1st place Udder in class 2018 NAILE
(2018 Milk Test 12 hour fill)
(2018 Milk Test 12 hour fill)
GCH Cedar View Cassimiracola 4*M VVEE89
Cassimiracola (2017 Milk Test 12 hour fill)
2016 TN Valley Fair First Place Dairy Herd (Roma, Cassimiracola, Heleena, and Beyonce)
Petey’s sire: CH Cedar View Marciano *B VEE 90 and his dam: GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1 *M VVEE 90
CH Cedar View Marciano *B VEE 90
2017 LA VEV 89 - highest score possible as a yearling
GCH Little Tots Estate Paeonia 1 *M VVEE 90 2nd Best Udder at NAILE 2017
Paeonia Milk Test: 12 hour fill 4/2/2018
Below: L-R: Marciano’s Sire and Dam: GCH Caesario & Helianthus, Caesario’s Gdam: GCH Trillium
Bottom row: Helianthus daughter GCH Tatiana 3*M VEEE90 & Caesario daughter: Joleen 5*M VEVE89
GCH Cedar View Ceasario +*B VVE89
Neyland & Little Tots Estate Helianthus 2*M (Helianthus won 2x GCH, 1x BOB, and sadly died from Renal Failure the following year.
Dam: GCH Little Tots Estate Trillium 1*M 3xGCH, 1x BIS (credit Little Tots Estate)
GCH Cedar View Tatianna 3*M VEEE 90, 4x GCH, 2x BIS, 15th place 3YO, 18 Nationals
Cedar View Joleen 5*M VEVE 89 Jr GCH at NAILE and also named SUPREME (Best in Show)