SG Cedar View Oliveiro ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88
2018-2021 ADGA Elite Buck 7x (96% PE)
DNA on file, Alpha-s1 Casein: B/B
DOB: 4/19/15 (Triplet) Height: 23 1/4"
(We are blessed to announce that Olivero will be spending the 2020-2021 Breeding season at Deb & Bill Inman’s)
Sire: CedarView Josephus +*B 2x GCH, now deceased (GCH JNels L Cappuccino +*B EEE91 x SG Little Tots Estate Syeira 4*M EEEE91)
Dam: SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M EEEE91, ADGA Elite Doe (99% PE) 3x, ANDDA Total Performer Doe 3x, 2015 Platinum Doe, (Little Tots Estate Babmino ++*B x SG Cori's Fancy Donatella 3*M VEEE90)
In the Fall of 2014, we realized we were 2 yrs away before needing to diversify our genetics. Thus, it seemed logical to start the process a bit sooner---especially since we are so committed to Linear Appraisals (ADGA) and Classifications (AGS), knowing it would be a great tool to discover the impact a new buck would have on our herd.
We started looking at various Dam Lines believing they bear the most influence on a herd sire. We also kept our search to breeders who've had several years (& multiple generations) of LA & DHIR testing. Any show accomplishments were icing on the cake, but the consistency of LA & 305 is what we were most interested in.
In a short time, we had narrowed down to a few select farms and over the next 6 months (with stacks----and stacks of paperwork, LA scores, highlighters, Dhi records, spread over 2 tables), we found this gorgeous boy...Cedar View Olivero *B
Oliver's dam lines (maternal & paternal) are does that have appraised at 90 (or above), are Finished Champions, have their Superior Genetics, and/or have produced the same. Of the does on test, all but one has produced over 1000# for one or more of their lactations, garnering several ADGA Elite Doe designations, including his dam, Isabella (multiple times). Isabella's current high for 305 is 1400#). She's been on ADGA Elite Doe List 95-99% PE in 2015-2020. In addition, she has been in ADGA National Top 10 the last 3 yrs with her highest ranking: #2 in milk , #1 in butterfat, #2 in Protein
On a final note, up until 2016, Nigerians were not allowed to compete in the highly regarded North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE). When the board finally accepted our breed, and showing against breeders with National winning herds, it was Isabella who took all the top honors: Grand Champion Doe (her 3/4 sister took Reserve), Best Udder, Best of Breed, and then against all breeds---SUPREME Udder. (pictured below)
Isabella as a First Freshener (5+ mos fresh). In her first Linear Appraisal (5/14), Isabella scored VEEE89 (the highest possible for a FF). In 2015, she scored VEEE90, recieving "E's" in her Shoulder Assembly, Front & Rear Legs, Feet, Back, Dairy Strength, Body Capacity, & Mammary. High scores also for Rump Width, Fore Udder (36), Rear Udder Height (38), & Arch (42), as well as Medial, Teat Placement & Diameter.
Isabella won SUPREME Udder at NAILE 2016 (Best udder over all breeds)
In 2013, Isabella's Dam (Donatella) scored VEEE90, & Gdam (Dinah Belle) scored EEEE91.
(above photos courtesy of Cedar View Farm, NAILLE pic taken by Bob Bartholomew)
Pictured above is the 12 hour fill of Isabella's 1st Test of 2015 (2nd Freshener). Milking 7# that day, with subsequent tests being 5.8#, 5.1#, & over 4# each of the following months, Isabella's Production Evaluation is 98%---giving her the ADGA Elite Doe status (twice). Her 3/4 sister, Gabriella, earned Elite status (99%) as a FF in 2015 and their Granddam, Dinah Belle has earned ELITE doe, also twice.
Our Oliver daughters (FFs in 2018) have been spectacular. Seven finished their 305 Day Test milking 1000# or over.
Since then, 10 daughters & sons have made ADGA Elite (now for multiple years), ranking In the top 1%-5% of the nation. Nine have earned their Superior Genetics (top 15%). Their 1-Day Test weights have ranged from 4#-7.1#. Tizrah, Maple Joy, & Cassie have all ranked in both ADGA & AGS Top 10 since 2018. Tizzy Finished her 305 Day Test, milking 1452#. An amazing feat for a FF!!! Her high ButterFat score is 11.7% Maple Joy finished 2019 with 1510# & 120# for BF—-which ranks her 2020 BREED LEADER in both registries.
(Pictured below, L-R: SG/Elite Cassiopeia 2*M 2*DAR Ex91.5, SG Tizrah 2*M 2*DAR VG+89.4, SG Maple Joy 8*M 8*DAR Ex90.4, & SG/Elite Atonement 2*M 2*DAR Ex90.8)
Oliver's dam & lines pictured below (L-R) First Place 2014 ADGA Nat'l Show Get of Sire (Isabella center), 2016 NAILE Best of Breed (Isabella on left)
Oliver’s litter sister SG Cedar View Olga 5*M, ADGA Elite Doe, 1100#+ Milker, 5.9# Milk Test High. Photo taken during NAILE— 10/18
Below L-R: Udder of Oliver's paternal Gdam, SG Little Tots Estate Syeira 4*M EEE91, O's Gsire's dam CH J-Nels BB Dimples 1*M & her daughter SGCH/MCH J-Nels ER Dumplin 2*M VEEE90, ADGA Nat'l Rsv Champion Doe, last is GSire's Gdam GCH Chenango-Hills Bouncy Trixie 5*M Top 10 Milker 2010-14. Bottom Row: Isabella's Gsire CH/MCH/PGCH Buffalo Clover Valentino ++*S++B EEE91, Josesephus Gsire: CH J-Nels Lysander +*B EEV90, Oliver's Gdam, SG Donatella VEEE90, her dam: SGCH Cori's Fancy Dinah Belle 2*M, EEEE91 ADGA ELITE Doe (2013, 2014) (Photos 1,2, 3, 9, 10 are courtesy of Cedar View Farm---as are the photos of Isabella, above. Photos 4,5, & 8 are courtesy of J-Nels, 6 is courtesy of Chenango Hills, and 7 is courtesy of Buffalo Clover Nigerians)