SGCH Olson Acres Vdoo Priestess 2*M 2*DAR EEEE91
DOB: 3/9/10 polled (triplet) Height: 21 1/2"
Sire: CH Woodbridge Too Z Terminator
Dam CH Flat Rocks Vdoo Princess *M *D
4x GCH, 2x BOB, 1x RGCH (ADGA), 2x GCH (Sr), 1x RGCH
Superior Genetics, 5.7# High on Test Day.
2016 ANDDA Total Performer JuJu GRAND & GOLD Award
2017 ANDDA Total Performer, JuJu PLATINUM, & GRAND Award
2015, 2016 AGS National Top 10 1Day
2016 AGS National Top 10 305
Milked 1292# in 305 Days
Dam of SG daughter (94% PE)
As thrilled as we were to be able to buy three Olson Acres does---is as sad as we were to see Vicki Olson sell off her beloved herd. As previously mentioned, some of our best stock has come from Vicki--and we have always been so impressed with her herd. When the opportunity arose to buy Priesty, Casche, & Peridot, we jumped at the chance.
We first saw this doe's dam (Princess) during a milk test at CapraKoza and were beyond impressed. (as in WOW—fabulous udder, milkability, texture, attachments, & volume) Although Princess is now retired, she is still is a gorgeous doe, and we are most fortunate to have two of her daughters.
2016 (5th Freshening) 12 hours of milk.
Therefore we anticipated Priesty to be lovely. We just didn't realize just how beautiful she would be----not only conformationally, but is a dream to milk and sweet as she can be. Since she's been here, Priesty peaks right at 5# per day...and many days, over. (Her high, so far is 5.7#) with her total last lactation 1292#. She was in the preliminary Top 10 in ADGA Milk—-but was bumped to 11th at the final count. Priesty has a daughter who has earned her Superior Genetics status.
Priesty is by CH Terminator (a super buck that tragically died young) and is a litter brother to ARMCH/PGCH/GCH Woodbridge Fancy 1*M *D VEEE90 (dam of 3 Finished CHs). Terminator's sire & dam are both Finished CH's at the National level (Honeybun) as well as both have produced many multiple Finished CH's (15 between them) with Pippin’s progeny being the National Champion Doe 2014, 2016)
photos below (L-R): Priesty’s Dam: CH Princess *M *D, Sire: CH Terminator, his litter sister ARMCH/GCH/PGCH Fancy *M *D VEEE90 (side/rear udder), their dam CH Honeybun EVEE90, Priesty’s daughters: Shofar, Mezuzah (six of the photos are credited to Vicki Olson, CapraKoza, & Woodbridge Farm)
Updates: Terminator (Priesty’s sire) is the litter brother to GCH/PGCH/ARMCH Wood Bridge Too Fancy *M *D. Fancy is the dam of 3 Finished CHs, inclu BOB’s, 2 BIS’s, & 1st Place Get of Sire (Olson Acres DAX Noah, WBR Wrath & Glamour). Honeybun was part of the 2nd Place Best 3 Females at the 2010 ADGA Nationals and is dam of 4 Finished CHs. CH Pippin is the sire of 10 CH’s and Gsire of 2x National CH Doe, CH Woodbridge Farm Belladonna.