Sinai Thunder O Aliyah 4*M 2*DAR EEEE92
2023 LA (Pic taken at 10 mos Fresh)
DOB: 5/3/17 (Triplet) Height: 21”
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
Sire: SG/Elite Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S 90Ex
ADGA Elite Buck 96%PE (as a Freshman Sire) Sire of many ADGA Elite, Superior Genetics, & daughters who milked 1000#+. Oliver's dam is SGCH Isabella EEEE91, ADGA Elite, Breed Leader, 1400# Milker and 2 SG, Elite progeny
Dam: SGCH Woodbridge Farm Peridot 3*M *DAR EEEE91, 3x GCH, 2x BOB, 2x RGCH, 2017 ADGA Top 10 (305)
2015-18 AGS National Top 10 1Day (#2 Production, #4 Overall Score),2016, 2018 AGS National Top 10 305 (#6 in Production, #5 Protein)2016, 19 ANDDA Total Performer, 2017, 19 Platinum Award Doe (6.9# Milk Test high, Milked1480#, 113# BF in 305)
5.1# Milk Test High, 1170#, 94#BF for 305
I’m very excited about Aliyah (and her sister, Penny). All 3 daughters of Peridot’s that year are just gorgeous girls and two of the three had major obstacles. Unfortunately, Aliyah kidded a single that was DOA…and while, she also earned her stars—-understandably, she didn’t produce a very high volume of milk.
We then had an unexpected challenge with Penny’s 1st lactation—-developing a congested udder, early on and her left side basically dried up. So, while her numbers seem low (especially for her pedigree), Penny finished out her 305 w 590#. Double that—-and you have a fabulous 305, especially for a FF.
The wonderful news is BOTH sisters are absolutely fabulous to milk…and have super lovely udders.
We sold the 3rd sister (Tabernacles) to a dear friend, Jordyn Gary, who graciously allowed us to finish out her 305. Tabby had a great lactation and ended up milking so very close to 1000# (987#), received her Superior Genetics, and had a 91% PE—-also close to becoming ADGA Elite.
Needless to say, I’m really looking forward to their 2nd Freshening with great hopes (and lots of prayer).