AR Sinai Thunder Be My Peace 2*M 2*DAR VVV+86
DOB: 3/20/24 (Twin) Height: 20 1/2" (polled)
Sire: Sinai Thunder T Be Mine *S *B
7/3/18 Pregnant and dry---and very beautiful.
Dam: AR CapraKoza TT Schokolade *M *DAR VEEV88, 2x GCH, 1x BIS, ANDDA 2013 All American Doe, AGS Nat'l Top 10 Milker, multiple times (980#). Dam of 2014 All-American Yearling, LA90, 1000# milker.
As a FF: 4.1# Milk Test High 750# for 305 Day Test, ANDDA JuJu Silver (pending)
I love this doe. She was the BEST "oops, someone left the gate open"--ever. Peace is even more cherished since her dam ("Shalom") passed away in the Fall of 2016 the day after delivering her single doeling. Peace's other half-sister was 2014 All-American yearling, surpassed 1000# milking as a 2nd F, and LA'd w a VEEE90. Peace's sire line is just as impressive. Her paternal Gdam is an ADGA Elite Doe, SG, VEEE90, Top 10 AGS & ADGA milker---setting (holding) records for Production of over 8# in a single day (that's over 1 Gallon) and milked over 1380# during her 305 day test. There are Finished CH's, producers of Finished & National Champions, All-Americans, & Milk Award Top 10's on both sides of her pedigree. Its a slow maturing line, so Peace's LA this year didn't slow me down one little bit. I expect to see wonderful improvement in all areas for this sweet doe.