Sinai Thunder O Shabbat Shalom 2*M 2*D AR
DOB: 9/7/16 (Single) Height: 22”
Sire: SG'/Elite Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S 89VG+, VEV88, (CedarView Josephus *B, 2x GCH x SGCH Cedar View Isabella 4*M EEEE91, ADGA Elite Doe (99% PE), ANDDA Total Performer Doe, 2015 Platinum Doe)
Dam: AR CapraKoza TT Schokolade *M *DAR VEEV88, 2x GCH, 1x BIS, ANDDA 2013 All American Doe, AGS Nat'l Top 10 Milker, multiple times (980#).
Shabbat is our farm’s forever favorite baby….as it was her dam (who was so beloved) that died after giving birth to this sweet baby. Shalom lived valiantly for 24 hours making sure that Shabbat had a healthy and loved start in life. Shabbat then lived with me in the house—-completely convinced she was either a dog or person and she was indeed the Queen. Although Shabbat was with me in the barn continually, she was certainly NOT a goat. Unfortunately, her perception of reality was shattered when she showed her athletic prowess by jumping (flat footed) from the floor to the top of the Dining Room Table (which, during the late Fall is full of pedigrees, LA scores, etc—-trying to decide who to breed to whom for the following Spring).
It was no small effort, but Shabbat finally acquiesced and thus began the rule of her barn kingdom.
Dam: Shalom aka CapraKoza Schokolade 2*M 2*D AR VEEV88 2x GCH, 1xBIS, All American Doe
1/2 Sister Lizzie Bell 2*M 2*D AR VEEE90 All American
Due to the traumatic birth (resulting in C-Section) for her 2nd F, Shabbat didn’t go on test.