SG Sinai Thunder O Cassiopeia 2*M 2*DAR VVVV87, Ex91.5
7/26/20 at AGS Classification (3rd Freshener)
DOB: 2/25/16 (Quint) Height:
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
Sire: SG Olivero ++*B ++*S VEV88, Elite Buck 2018-2020
Dam: SG Little Tots Estate ST Kowkab *M *DAR AGS Top 10, 95%PE
In 2018, Cassie earned her Superior Genetics & ranked ADGA Elite (ranking 98% as a FF).
In 2019, she made Elite again (95% as a 2F).
In 2020, Cassie’s Elite score 97%
As FF, Milk Test High: 4.9#, ButterFat High: 10.7% and she milked 1100# for 305.
As 2F, Milk Test High: 5.9#, BF 9.2%
As 3F, Milk Test HIgh 5.7# with her DHI in progress.
Cassie was classified (4/19) w an overall score of Ex91.5, by Tim Flickenger the judge we really admire and whose opinion has proved most accurate over the years. We were thrilled—-not only bc she’s a beautiful doe, but she has a such a nice udder. I really like the AGS does their scoring and how they break down each category. Cassie’s scores were outstanding: 92.9% Mammary System, 93.3% Dairy Character.
Then, in July we had Linear Appraisal (a program I heartily support) with an Appraiser who we also admired. The lower scores were my fault. As soon as our June Milk Test was completed, I made the tactical error. In an effort to reduce the (over) conditioning of my heavier does, we switched from our Alfalfa to a Mixed Grass hay we get from the feed store. Unbeknownst to us, this hay (left over from 2018) had been stored on the ground all winter/spring and was permeated with visually undetectable mold spores. The 5 days before LA, we had goats suddenly bloat (with no logical reason) and lost one of our best FFs to Listeriosis—-all going back to the mold in the hay. The crowning blow became obvious when none of our does filled up to their normal Milk Test Udders. Our Mammary scores (which, the majority are normally Es) plummeted to Vs and +s. In contrast the few newer mamas that were in the main barn, and needed the extra conditioning bc they’re heavy milkers…were scored Es. We postponed the July Milk Test to later in the month, and it was a relief to see the udders (herd-wide) immensely improved, both in looks—-and (almost) back to their expected production. A lesson learned…while horrible and costly (and I still tear up with the gaping hole that Halley left), perhaps this will help you, the reader, to stay vigilant with inspecting every flake of hay—-as well as use the BEST hay you can access.
Back to Cassie—who is a half sister to SG ST Comet 2*M 2*DAR, 89VG+, ADGA Elite Doe (95% PE), 2017 AGS Natl Top 10 for 305 (all 3 categories) & 1Day Test. Milked 1456# for 305 as a 2F. Comet is the dam of SG O Halley’s Comet 3*M 3*DAR, ADGA Elite as a FF, milking 988# for 305 Days. Comet is nearing the 5000# Life time production as she is finishing her 2nd F DHI.
Cassie is by SG Olivero +*B +*S VEV88, ADGA Elite Buck (2018, 2019). Her dam is SG LTE Kowkab *M *DAR (1000#, Top 10, 92% PE) who is the dam of 3 daughters who have produced 1100-1450#, 2 of which are SG/Elite.
7/26/20 Before AGS Classification 3F
7/26/20 Before AGS Classification 3F
Cassie—-4/19 during AGS Classification. 2F
Cassie 2nd Freshener AGS Classification 4/19
Side pic: Cassie Classification 4/19
Rear pic: Cassie Classification 4/19
Side pic: Cassie Milk Test (12 hr) FF
Rear pic: Cassie Milk Test (12 hr) FF
Cassie as a Dry Yearling