Sinai Thunder Mac’s Virtuoso *B *S VEE89
Sire: Sinai Thunder Ex Macabbees +*B +*S VEV89
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B (ELITE Sinai Thunder O Exodus +*B +*S x SGCH Woodbridge Farm Peridot 3*M *DAR EEEE91, 3x GCH, 2x BOB, 2x RGCH, Total Performer & Platinum Award Doe
2017, 18, 20 ADGA Top 10 (305), 2015-2018 AGS Top 10 305, 6.9# Test high, Milked 1480#, 113# BF)
Dam: SG Helmstead Minis GB Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE92
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B (SG Rosasharn MR General +*B +*S x SG Sinai Thunder AG Patience 2*M 2*DAR VEEE90, ADGA & AGS BREED Leader (6x inclu Record Holder)
Dam of SG/ELITE daughter 97% PE (PassionVEEE90)
1250# for 305 Day, 6.2# Milk Test High, 93%PE
1/2 Brother to SG (pending)/Elite ST O Passion 4*M 4*DAR VEEE90, 91.3Ex
SG Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE92 (2019 LA above)
Pic to the right: Milk Test: 6.2#, 1250# (305), Top 10 Milker AGS
SGCH Peridot 3*M *DAR EEEE91, 3x GCH, 2x BOB,
2017-18 ADGA Top 10 (305)
2015-2018 AGS Top 10 305
Milk Test Day: 6.9# Test high, Milked 1480#, 113# BF
2019 Total Performer & Platinum Award Doe
Sire: Sinai Thunder Ex Macabbees +*B +*S VEV89
SG* ST Mac’s Beloved 3*M 3*DAR 89.9 VG+
As a FF: Milk Test High: 6.2#, 1280# (305)
BF High: 10.00% PE: 94%
2023: 2x Sr GCH, 2x BIS
(Arbukle Classic Show)
photo credit to Southern Grace Nigerians