SG Sinai Thunder O Tizrah 2*M 2*DAR VVEE90
DOB: 3-5-16 (Triplet) Height: 21 1/2"
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
Sire: SG Cedar View Olivero ++*B ++*S, ADGA Elite Buck 96%
Sire of: 12+ SG, 16+ Elite daughters & sons incl:
ADGA 2020 Breed Leader: SG/Elite Sinai Thunder O Maple Joy 8*M 8*D EEEE91
Dam: Little Tots Estate ST Calista *M *DAR
ADGA & AGS Top 10 Milker
ADGA Elite 99% PE
Milk Test High: 6.2#, 1580# for 305, High BF, 11.7% BF
Life Time (so far, she’s still on test!!): 8200#
Tizzy has been one of our favorite does since the day she was born. She was the cutest little black doeling---then when she turned about 3 months, she was covered in moonspots!!! I'm not one to care one way, or the other. But it was like she changed overnight. Its been fun to see her mature.
Tiz Milk Test (6.2#)
Tiz (dry)
I've always loved Tizzy's dam, Calista---and unfortunately, she was never LA'd when she was at her peak. Like anyone who has animals, you know the potential that's there. Even still, I had no idea that Tizzy was going to turn out to be a milking phenomenon. So much so, that she made AGS Top 10 1Day, and went on to hit the Elite list (2x) and earn her SG.
The neat story about Tizzy is she actually shouldn't even be here. I had made up my mind to breed Calista to Belli. Within minutes I had her in hand and we walked right by Belli (much to his dismay) and I put her in the stall w the young Oliver (much to his delight). We still talk about how sweet the two were together. They both literally fell in love, rubbing their heads together, then bodies. Then...about 5 min later, I realized my oops. And didn't have the heart to break up the love-birds!!! I love how the Lord has other plans. :)
As the Lord turns all for His good—-my above “goof” has proven Tiz to end up being one of our Foundation Does. Although, she was a bit stingy giving us daughters——when look below and you’ll see they’re MORE than worth the wait.
SG* ST Mac’s Beloved 3*M 3*DAR 89.9 VG+
2x GCH, 2x BIS as a FF
Milk Test High: 6.2#, BF High: 10.0%
305: 1275#, 94# BF as a FF
Milk Test high (4/24: 6.3#*)
pix to the right: courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians
ST Be Still My Heart 3*M 3*DAR
Dam of Bless Your Heart (to the right)
ST Bless Your Heart 4*M 4*DAR
(Milk Test High: 4/24: 5.1#)
(“Heart, jr” and Beloved (above) are very closely related. Beloved is by Mac. Heart is by Rosh (Mac’s litter brother)
all pix of the Hearts:
courtesy of Southern Grace Nigerians