Senior Does
Please click on the picture to go to the doe's individual page.
SG*/Elite ST O Passion 4*M 4*DAR VEEE90, 91.3Ex 2/7/18
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
2019-23 ADGA Elite Doe (5x)
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88
SG Helmstead Minis GB Virtue 3*M 3*DAR EEEE92
4.1# Milk Test High (2020)
1029# (305 as a FF)
7.1# Milk Test High (2022)
1360# 83#BF
Current PE: 97%
*SG (Pending)
Dam of ADGA Elite daughter
ST O Aliyah 4*M 2*DAR EEEE92, 90.1Ex
(pic taken 10 mos fresh)
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex,
SGCH Peridot 3*M *DAR EEEE91, 3x GCH, 2x BOB, Top 10 ADGA/AGS High: 6.9#
Milked1480#, 113# BF in 305
5.1# Milk Test High
1170#, 94#BF for 305)
Current PE 76%
1/2 sister to SG Tabby
ST V Joy of my Heart 9*M 9*DAR 89.5 VG+
ST Zion’s Valor *B *S
ST Count it all Joy 8*M 8*DAR (full sister to SG/Elite ST Maple Joy 8*M 8*DAR
ADGA Top 10 Milker, Breed Leader)
MilkTest High: 5.8#, BF High: 9.9%
2F: 1223# (305)
FF 305::1073# 90#BF
PE: 70%
Upcoming 2nd Fresheners
SG/Elite ST O Maple Joy 8*M 8*DAR VEEE91, Ex90.4, 3/19/16
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
2018-23 ADGA Elite (9x)
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88 x x SG Surprised by Joy 7*M 7*DAR EEEE91
Superior Genetics
BREED LEADER: 2020 ADGA (305) ButterFat 120# (Record) 6th in Production
2018 AGS National Top 10 (305)
Milk Test High: 7.3# (3F)
1577# for 305 as 3rd F
124# BF 99%PE
Current 99%PE
Lifetime (thus far): 7775#+
DHIR in progress (BF high 12.7%)
Dam of SG (pending) ST H Gladness n Joy 9*M 9*DAR VEEE90
SG/Elite ST O Tizrah 2*M 2*DAR VVEE90
2018,20-23 ADGA ELITE (8x)
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88 x Calista *M D*AR VEEV88
Superior Genetics
2018 ADGA National Top 10, Production (1450#), BF (100#)
2017 AGS 1Day, 2018 AGS Natl Top 10 305 all 3 categories (#4 Production & BF)
Milk Test High: 6.2# BF High: 11.7% (@ 6 mos fresh)
1517# for 305, 99%PE
Current 97%PE
Lifetime (thus far): 7600+#
DHIR in progress
Dam of ADGA Elite daughter & SG (pending) daughter
SG/Elite ST O Atonement 2*M 2*DAR VEEE90, 90.8Ex ("Toni")
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
2020-21 ADGA Elite Doe (2x)
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88 x SG/Elite Redemption *M *D VEEE90
Superior Genetics
5.2# Milk Test High (2F)
ButterFat High: 9.9%
1232# for 305 Days
112# BF (96% PE)
Current PE: 94%
Lifetime (thus far): 3100#+
DHIR in progress (3F)
Dam of SG (pending) daughter
SG/Elite ST O Cassiopeia 2*M 2*DAR, Ex91.5
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
2018-23 ADGA ELITE (8x)
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88 x SG Kowkab *M *DAR 1000#+ 94%PE
Superior Genetics
2018 AGS National Top 10 (1Day) #2 ButterFat 10.7%, #6 High Score
Milk Test High: 5.9# 2F, FF: 4.9# ButterFat High: 10.7%,
1300# for 305
Lifetime (thus far) 5200#+
Current 97%PE
AR Helmstead Minis GB Melee 1*M *DAR VEEE90
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein B/B
SG Rosasharn MR General +*B +*S VVE89 x Olson Acres Princess Wolfgang
2017 AGS National Top 10 1Day
2017 ANDDA JuJu Bronze
2018 ANDDA JuJu Silver
4.6# Milk Test High,
Milked 1010# for 305 Days
Dam of AGS Nationals 1st Place udder!!! (Magdeline)
SG Helmstead Minis GB War Emblem 2*M *D VEEE90 1/27/14
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
SG Rosasharn MR General B +*B +*S +DS, VVE89 x Pecan Hollow PS Shatase 1*M 2x GCH Sr Doe, Best Udder, Best of Breed.
BREED LEADER: 2018 1 Day Milk Production (7#)
Top 10 ADGA, AGS (Production 5th [1450#], BF: 3rd [102], Prot: 4th)
Milk Test High: 7.1#
1447# 305 (FF)
Dam of FF daughter milked 1030# for 305 (Treasure)
SG ST O Sonnet 3*M 3*DAR EEEE91, 90.1Ex 5/4/16
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
SG Olivero +*B +*S 90Ex, VEV88 x Lizzie Bell 2*M 2*DAR VEEE90, All-American Jr, AGS/ADGA Nat'l Top 10--305 & 1Day, including AGS Breed Leader. 1000# milker
Superior Genetics
Milk Test High:5.5#,
BF High 10.2%
1130#+ 305
94% (PE) as FF,
SG*/ELLITE ST CharitysBlessing 2*M 2*DAR 88.1VG 10/16/17
DNA on File, a-S1 Casein A/B
SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88
SG/Elite Cornerstone Farm MM Charity *M *DAR EEEV90
4.2# Milk Test High
840# (305 as a FF)
4.1# Milk Test High
Current 95%PE
*SG (Pending)
Dam of SG/Elite ST Rosh’s Favor 3*M 3*DAR VVEE89 (FF)
2nd place: ADGA Natl Top 10 for BF: 120#, 9.3%
SG/Elite Sinai Thunder AG Comet 2*M 2*DAR, 89VG+ 3/14/14 SOLD
2017 ADGA Elite Doe (95% PE)
++*B Olson Acres RC Augustine ++*S AR/HSAR x SG Little Tots Estate ST Kowkab *M *DAR AGS Top 10, 94%PE
Superior Genetics
2018 AGS Natl Top 10 (305 all 3 categories) #2 Protein, #3 Production: 1456#). 2017 (all 3 Categories)
2018, 2017 AGS Nat’l Top 10 1DAY Test #2 Overall Score
2016-2018 ANDDA JuJu GOLD
Dam of SG/ELITE daughter
6.2# Milk Test High, BF High: 9.7% @ 6 mos Fresh, Milked 1456# for 305 as 2nd F,
AR Sinai Thunder Breath of Heaven 2*M 2*DAR E93.2, VEEE90 (5/8/13) polled SOLD
Sire:+*B CapraKoza TR Tevye +*S Dam: SG Cornerstone Farm MM Charity *M *DAR EEEV90, 2015 ADGA Elite Doe, 3x GCH, 1x BIS
2017, 2018 AGS National Top 10 (1Day)
2018 AGS National Top 10 (305) #2 in ButterFat 10.7%
ANDDA Silver JuJu (FF)
2017, 18 ANDDA JuJu GOLD
6.2# Milk Test high.
Milked 1230# in 305 days
SG Sinai Thunder AG Salvation 4*M 2*DAR +VVE86 (10/26/12) Blue-eyes SOLD
Sire: ++*B Olson Acres RC Augustine ++*S AR/HS Dam: SG Little Tots Estate Allamanda 3*M *DAR EEEE91
2017 AGS National Top 10: 305 & 1Day
High Test 4.4#
Milked 1000#+ in 305 Days (both lactations)
2016 ANDDA GOLD JuJu Award
Dam of ADGA ELITE daughter
AR Sinai Thunder AG Glory 4*M 2*DAR (10/26/12) SOLD
Sire: ++*B Olson Acres RC Augustine ++*S AR/HS Dam: SG Little Tots Estate Allamanda 3*M *DAR EEEE91
BREED LEADER 2017 AGS Top 10 1Day Butterfat (13.5%)
2018 AGS National Top 10 (1Day) #5 ButterFat
2017 ADGA Top 10 (4th place)
2017, AGS National Top 10 1Day (Production)
5.5# Milk Test High (13.5% BF) as 2nd Fr
Milked 1260# as a 2nd F