SG* Sinai Thunder D Bountiful 3*M 3*DAR EEVE89, 89.9VG+
“Bunny” (FF)
Pic taken 8/23 as FF ADGA LA
Milk Test High: 5.1# BF high: 8.9%
305 Day: 1220# BF: 84# PE:94%
*Milk stars & SG pending
DOB: 4/23/21 (Twin) Height: 21 1/2”
Curbstone Valley Luv Whatu Dew *B S VG88, VVE87 (Curbstone Valley Space Oddity *B *S VEV89 x SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M EEEE92 3xGCH, 1x Rs GCH, 1x BIS, 1000# Milker at age 10!!!)
SG* ST Charitys Goodness 2*M 2*DAR VEEE91, 90.6Ex, 1090# (SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88 x SG/Elite Cornerstone Farm MM Charity *M *DAR EEEV90, 3x GCH, 1x Best in Show, 1130#, 2013 ANDDA GRAND Award, ADGA National Top 10 305 Milk,
AGS National Top 10 1 Day Milk Test [in ALL 4 categories]. Dam of ADGA 3 SG, & 3 Nat'l Top 10 daughters (ADGA & AGS:1Day & 305), including Breed Leader (7x) ADGA & AGS in multiple categories, inclu: Overall Score [Record setting])
Bunny’s litter sister: ST Gracious Plenty 89.5VG+”Silvie” (FF)
SG* ST Charitys Goodness 2*M 2*DAR VEEE91, 90.6Ex
Sire: SG/Elite Oliver ++*B ++*S 90Ex, VEV88
SG/Elite Cornerstone Farm MM Charity *M *DAR EEEV90
5.5# Milk Test High
1090# 73#BF (305)
Current 93%PE
*SG (Pending)
Bunny’s sire: Curbstone Valley Luv Whatu Dew *B S VG88, VVE87 “Dude”
Dude’s Sire; Sire: CH Curbstone Valley Desert Indigo *B *S (deceased)
(CH Curbstone Valley Desert Indigo *B x *SGCH Alethia DJ Written N The Stars 5*M *D AR 3054 VEEE 91)
Dude’s Dam: SGCH Alethia MH Dew Ya Love Me 6*M EEEE92, 3xGCH, 1x Rs GCH, 1x BIS
1000# Milker (DHI pending) at 10 yo.
(SG Algedi Farm MB Manuka Honey ++*B VVE88 x SGCH Algedi Farm DJ Honey Dew 5*M EEEE91 8x GCH, 11x BOB, 5x BIS)