Fields of Grace PT Zion's King *B *S
5/23/17 (Quad) Blue-eyes Height:
Sire: Olson Acres CCC Pele's Tears *B *S (Cuatlilredbarn Count Chocula x GCH Woodbridge Farm Peridot 3*M *DAR EEEE91)
Dam: GCH/ARMCH/PGCH WoodBridge Farm Too Fancy *M *D VEEE90 6x GCH, 5x Best Udder. (GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin +*B *S x CH Woodbridge Well Honeybun EVEE90)
Our farm has been blessed with does who have been LA'd with 90's and "E's" in Mammary. One of the best overall udders we have---with the nicest laterals I've ever seen---is a doe we were so thrilled to purchase from a good friend, Vicki Olson. The only doe she spoke more highly of---was her lovely triple Finished Champion was Fancy---a litter sister (to our SGCH Priesty's sire) CH Woodbridge Too Z Terminator.
Last year, another dear friend---Lisa Locurto purchased Fancy and a beautiful little buckling out of Peridot: Pele's Tears. On their way to Tenn, they stayed here over night and I had an opportunity to put my hands on them. Not only did I pretty much fall in love, I kicked myself for not buying either. When I found out Lisa bred Fancy to Pele---I immediately inquired about a buckling. Look at the udders, the show wins, and the DHI records below---and then just look at our handsome boy!!!!!! Thank you so very much to both Vicki and Lisa---We feel so very, very blessed.
GCH/ARMCH/PGCH Woodbridge Too Fancy 1*M *D +DLT VEEE90, 6x GCH, 5x Best Udder, Dam of CH Olson Acres DAX Noah 3xGCH, CH Olson Acres WBR Wrath—3xGCH, 1xBIS & his litter sister PGCH WBR Glamour VEVV88,1xBOB, 1xBIS 2018 ADGA Natls’ Top 20 in a class of 70.
GCH Woodbridge Farm Peridot 2*M *DAR EEEE91 3x GCH, 2x BOB, 2016 Total Performer, 2017 Platinum, Grand, & Gold JuJu, AGS National Top 10 305 & 1 Day Test. 1395#
Zion's dam lines: L-R Dam: GCH Fancy side & rear (VEEE90,920#); Paternal Gdam GCH Peridot side & rear (EEEE91, 1395#). 2nd Row: Maternal GDam: CH Honeybun (EVEE90), 2nd Place Herd Nationals; Sire's litter sister CH Wanda 1st Place 3YO Nationals, 3rd/4thRow: Paternal GGDam CH CocoPuff VVEE90, 1st Place in 2018 ADGA Nationals, 1st Place Dairy Herd, Paternal GGDam, SGCH Amethyst (VEEE90); GGDam ARMCH Arwen (VEEE90) side, rear. Paternal GGSire: GCH Rosasharn UMT Pippin +*S +*B (all photos are credited to Vicki Olson, who credited Woodbridge Farm, Old Mountain, Cuatlilredbarn, & Rosasharn)